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Class 12 Projects
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Solutions to Sumita Arora Assignment in Chapter 10.
[Type A] Chapter – 10 Class 12 CS – Sumita Arora Assignment | Q/A
[Type B] Chapter – 10 Class 12 CS – Sumita Arora Assignment | Q/A
[Type C]Q1. Write a program to push or pop an element from stack depending upon the user’s choice.
[Type C]Q2. A line of text is read from the input terminal into the stack. Write a program to output the string in reverse order, each character appearing twice.
[Type C]Q3. Write a python program that pushes or pops an element in the stack. The elements are shifted towards the right so that the top always remains at the 0th index.
[Type C]Q4. Write a python program to insert or delete an element from a queue depending upon the user’s choice.
[Type C]Q5. Write a program to insert or delete an element from a queue depending upon the user’s choice.
[Type C]Q6. Write a Python Program to implement input-restricted dequeue taking into consideration both insertion and deletion operations.
[Type C]Q7. Write a python program to implement the following operations in the stack.
[Type C]Q8. Write a python program that implements three queues namely HighestPr, NormalPr, and LowestPr.
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