Latest CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Python Syllabus

 CBSE Class 12 Computer Science syllabus has been revised by the Education Department recently. The syllabus has been redefined in a way that it keeps up with the latest computer science advancements. A few topics have been made more advanced and some introduced in the course. This article covers everything you need to know about the CBSE class 12 computer science syllabus and the reasons for you to understand those topics in this Computer Science Class 12th course. We have also provided links to all the checklists, cheat sheets and your other FAQ, that you might love to know. This will help you in forming an initial perspective and curiosity for the theories and their real-life applications.

 As you know, the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus is all about taking you a step ahead by optimizing your coding and technical skills as a whole. Providing you, a sneak peek of the highly advanced courses that you will learn during your engineering days. 

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Programming and Computational Thinking

It is the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science core. In Class 11th you have already covered the basics of programming. In Class 12th, the intention is to take you a step ahead and make you aware and used to with the industrial standard coding norms, optimization techniques and other very important theories in Computer Science.

This unit will cover a crash course of CBSE Class 11th Computer Science syllabus of the Basics of python. Besides, the CBSE Class 12th course will start with the topic Functions, which metaphorically for the English language is like a verb. Functions in python help you form a code which is like defining any complicated action just like a verb in English.

Another topic is Libraries in Python which are somewhat using way more predefined specialized verbs to talk or perform certain high-level actions used in highly complex tasks. Let’s say a PhD in Corporate banking talking to another PhD about Capital Structure decisions which for any normal person is a jargon. So, Libraries in Python enables you to perform such complicated tasks. Once you are educated enough, you’ll learn how to keep records, reading and writing into them i.e. File handling in Python.

Next few topics like Recursion, Data Structures, Algorithmic Efficiency are all just nerdy terms for adjectives. These will enable you to make conversations more effective and efficient briefly speaking you will learn to improve your quality of codes using the knowledge of these adjectives for your Python Coding. You’ll also learn Data Visualization, which is another simple topic that requires some practice. I highly recommend you to join our newsletter, where we provide cheat sheets, python hacks and a lot of cool coding stuff to help you with your learning.

Computer Networks

It is a sneak peek and basics for all future electrical, communications, robotics, electronics, cloud computing, cyber security and network engineering-related fields. It might comprise of 15 marks but this topic is very interesting once you get the hang of it.

Here, you will learn about the nervous system of marvellous technology of the current times – The Internet. The unit tells the structure of this technical silicon-based human-made nervous system(Types of Network), the joints and connections in the network (Network devices/Hardware), the modern world’s 6th sense or telepathy i.e. The Cloud. And the robots being controlled by this 6th sense or a mastermind (Internet of Things). 

You’ll also study how does this technical silicon-based human-made nervous system sends signal over various medium (wired and wireless), in various forms ( light, sound waves, electromagnetic waves et..) and at various distances ( inter-building, city, country, hemisphere) using various techniques like Modulation Techniques, Collision in Wireless Networks, Error Checking (error detection).

You will get to know how this nervous system knows and respond to when a nail hits its fingers or its ankle is twisted, along with differentiating its ankle from its fingers and twisting pain from a nail pin pain with topics like the Main idea of Routing, TCP/IP, Addresses on a Network, Cellular/ Wireless Connectivity Protocols, Basic Network Tools (PING(from PubG), NS LOOKUP, etc..), How HTTP works, Working of E-mail. The nervous system antibodies against diseases – Secure Communication and Network Applications

Data Management

It is another set of minimum requirements or we can say an entry gate for a software developer be it gaming, mobile, PC, web, cloud anything. You will be made used to on working with Django framework of python which is a very powerful tool that people working in multi-million corporate still work on.

As the name Data suggests, It is about memory. Let’s just say, You have to create a huge record. You’ll be prompted to write it in a book or Ms-word or excel. But first based on your requirements, you’ll categorise it and then create it. One way of creating a record in Excel. But if you wish to reduce your time, rather than updating your records manually each time when you get an update to doing it automatically. Creating reports, applying filter by just one click and other functions, you will require to use a Relational DatabaseMySQL. MySQL SQL Revision Tour and some More on SQL – having, group by, order by.

Here, you’ll also be learning one of the most powerful and widely used libraries in python – Django. This library is your ticket to the professional world, where you meet different people, about whom you have no idea about. You communicate with them, you give them something or get something from them based on circumstances and requirements. In this case, you’ll connect a python program with a SQL database, and learn aggregation functions in SQL. you’ll be Creating a Django based Basic Web Application. A web application the parses a GET and POST request, and writes the fields to a file – flat-file and CSV file.

Society, Law and Ethics

It is theoretical yet, is a very smart topic. I bet half of you already know a lot about it. It’s a topic which can fill a lot of gaps in your knowledge regarding IT and Cybersecurity. I would suggest that you study this topic with a curious mind. It’s just a theoretical topic and scoring will be easy.

I just want you to know this – You already know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong. We do not live in a perfect world, it will not always reward the right and punish the wrong. You just have to keep making your best effort to be the person you want to be.

This unit will include topics like Intellectual Property Rights (If it’s yours better have a document to prove it), Plagiarism (It takes brainpower to cheat as well), digital rights management (Bad luck, if you didn’t know), Licensing (Creative Commons, GPL and Apache), open-source, open data and Privacy (Better safe than sorry), IT Laws (It’s always better to know your rights), Technology and Society (Who cares? Everyone Bummer), E-waste Management (Swachh Bharat), Identity theft (Now, you know) and Gender and disability issues while teaching and using computers. 

Frequently Asked Questions at this moment:

Practicals are a different story in Class 12 Computer Science Course:

Unit NameMarks(Total=30)
Lab Test (10 marks)
Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation + 20% code quality)7
Small Python program that sends a SQL query to a database and displays the result. A stub program can be provided.3
Report File + viva (9 marks)
Report File: Minimum 21 Python programs. Out of this least 4 programs should send SQL commands to the database and retrieve the result; at least one program should implement the webserver to write user data to CSV file.7
Viva-voce based on the report file.2
Project + viva (11 marks)
Project (that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt)8
Project viva voce3

You have Lab exam, report file (that you can parallelly make during your lab classes) and a project which is a group activity. These practicals are the real deal in terms of your learning and your ability to apply them. If you have practised well during the term and you are aware of programming, computational thinking and data management, practicals can be a piece of cake. Until and unless you don’t hit an error in your code.

Report File: The list of 21 programs might be provided to you by your school. Regardless, The List of 21 Programs for your Class 12th Computer Science Report file is provided below with solutions:

Programming in Python:

  • Recursively find the factorial of a natural number.
  • Read a file line by line and print it.
  • Remove all the lines that contain the character `a’ in a file and write it to another file.
  • Write a Python function sin(x, n) to calculate the value of sin(x) using its Taylor series expansion up to n terms. Compare the values of sin(x) for different values of n with the correct value.
  • Write a random number generator that generates random numbers between 1 and 6 (simulates a dice).
  • Write a recursive code to find the sum of all elements of a list.
  • Write a recursive code to compute the nth Fibonacci number.
  • Write a Python program to implement a stack and queue using a list data-structure.
  • Write a recursive Python program to test if a string is a palindrome or not.
  • Write a Python program to plot the function y = x2 using the pyplot or matplotlib libraries.
  • Create a graphical application that accepts user inputs, performs some operation on them, and then writes the output on the screen. For example, write a small calculator. Use the tkinter library.
  • Open a webpage using the urllib library.
  • Compute EMIs for a loan using the numpy or scipy libraries.
  • Take a sample of 10 phishing e-mails and find the most common words.

Data Management: SQL and web-server

  • Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
  • Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customer ID, customer name, country) using group by.
  • Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.
  • Integrate SQL with Python by importing the MySQL module
  • Write a Django based webserver to parse a user request (POST), and write it to a CSV file.

Project:  It is a group activity of 2 to 3 students. Although there are various guidelines they are purposely loosely defined for students. Weak Students have an opportunity here to secure some marks and Intelligent students can take risks and find a real-world problem that is worthwhile to solve. It is purposely vaguely mentioned that you should deliver a project that uses most of the concepts that have been learnt. Students can use a variety of Python Libraries to create user-friendly applications. For a group of three, at least 500 lines of codes. 

It is a very common knowledge that everything that is proposed can be achieved online easily. We have a few demo projects listed for you here. We provide you with a functional project with all the documentation and setup guide for Class 12 Computer Science Project. Viva for the project is really simple, You need to be aware of all the topics covered in your project. Questions will be asked from them only.

Please feel free to talk to us if you have any questions regarding the CBSE Class 12 Computer Science Syllabus, practicals or any other related query. You can also find us on our Facebook and Instagram page.

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Mahender Gogikar
Mahender Gogikar
4 years ago

Very good information provided for CS. I am absolutely loving computer tutor’s effort.

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