[Type A] Chapter 15 Sumita Arora Solutions | Class 12 Computer Science

Here is class 12 computer science Unit 15 solutions for Sumita Arora back exercise assignment. Below includes both textual and video solutions wherever required. View all the answers in assignment for chapter 15 and for all chapters here.

Sumita Arora Solutions for all lessons here.

Q1: What is web framework?

web framework (WF) is a software framework that is designed to support the web development or the website development which includes web services, web resources, and web APIs. 
Web frameworks provide a standard way to build and deploy web applications on the World Wide Web.

Q2: What are the advantages of using Django web framework?
  • Accelerate Custom web application development.
  • Support MVC(model-view-controller) programming paradigm.
  • Compatible with major operating system and database.
  • Easy to extend and scale the application on this. Etc.
Q3: What is code library?  How is a library different from a web framework?

A library is just the collection of modules having linear mode of operation, and they invoke on call that is one way control.
While in framework it is the higher order and complex designing and also include robust nature. It follows inversion of control that user call the framework and it also communicates that calls the user for the features.

Q4: What do you understand by a project and an app in Django web application context?

A Django project refers to the whole working application while the Django app is the submodule or the working skeleton function.

Q5: A Django project namely MyMart contains two apps in it namely list and status.  How will you register the above created apps of Django project MyMart?

To register the app to main project in Django, open the setting.py and append the name of the apps in the list of the “INSTALLED APP“. This will add the app to the main frame of the project in Django.

Q6: What do you understand by HTTP requests?  Name the two types of HTTP requests.

An HTTP the client send the HTTP request in the form of the request in the proper design format to retrieve the acknowledgment of the request from the server side.

Types of HTTP requests:
GET is used to request data from a specified resource.
POST is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource.

Q7: How is an HTTP GET request different from an HTTP POST request?

GET Request is used to request data from a specified server from teh client side wheras POST Request is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource from the client side..

Q8: What is virtual environment?

Virtual environment is an isolated working space from the working environment that can be on external environment but mainly in the main working system.
It a space where we’re having inly the specific dependencies according to the project need.

Q9: How do you run server for your Django project?  Write command.

Under this structure of project the under mention command is to start the server.
$ python manage.py runserver
Q10: What is the name of administrative task management file found in Django projects?

The file is called manage.py, where it is used to provide administrative working support for the project such as creating app and running web server and also some tasks like this.

Q11: What is the name of architecture model adopted by Django?

Django follows the MVT or Model View Template architecture which is based on the MVC or Model View Controller architecture. 

Q12: Discuss the MVT architecture of Django.

MVT is Model-View_template working architecture of Django.

Model: Model is going to act as the interface of your data. It is responsible for maintaining data. Such as Mysql, mongoDB etc.
View: The View is the user interface i.e. what you see in your browser when you render a website. It is HTML/CSS/Javascript part of web application.
Template: A template consists of static parts of the desired HTML output as well as some special syntax describing how dynamic content is tackled.

Q13: What are templates in Django projects?

Django’s template layer renders the information to be presented to the user in a designer-friendly format. Using templates, you can generate HTML dynamically and all the dynamic generated data on the interface. That is how template interact in this zone.

Q14: What do you understand by views in a Django project?  How are views important for a Django project?

View is simply a python function that takes a web request and returns a web response. This response can be the HTML contents of a web page, or a redirect, or an XML document, or an image, etc.
This is important as it links the content of web page to the model of the project in Django.

Q15: What do you understand by URL routing?  How does it take place?

URL Routing is the process of linking the URL’s and displaying the content or the templates of the projects in Django.
Its structure is defined in the urls.py by the transition of linking URL patterns.

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